Free on-demand course
Calling all First Responders:
Real-Time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) Awareness and diabetes Emergencies
We know that first responders care for many people experiencing diabetes-related emergencies, some of which can be life-threatening.
Dexcom RT-CGM Systems track glucose levels and can warn people living with diabetes if their levels are going too low or high. Dexcom RT-CGM is also proven to reduce hypoglycemia-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations.5 |
Check out our first responder video series and share with a colleague!
In this video series offered by Dexcom, you will learn about the challenges of living with diabetes and why diabetes-related emergencies occur. We will share some emergency scenarios you may encounter on the job, and how RT-CGM can help prevent some of them.

Module 1: introduction

Overview of diabetes health challenges and how technology like RT-CGM can help people prevent some diabetes-related emergencies.
Module 2: Stigma and Diabetes

Living with diabetes can be challenging. Using person-first, strength-based language when talking about diabetes emergencies can improve relationships and help people seek appropriate care.
Module 3: What is real-time cgm?

Learn about the benefits of using RT-CGM rather than blood glucose monitoring and an A1C lab value to manage diabetes.
Compatible smart devices sold separately: dexcom.com/compatibility.
module 4: hypoglycemia emergencies

Most people living with diabetes are at risk for hypoglycemia emergencies. Learn about hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia unawareness, and how RT-CGM may help prevent emergency situations.
module 5: hyperglycemia emergencies

Diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA, is a life-threatening emergency. Learn who is at risk and how RT-CGM can alert people with diabetes before their glucose rises to a dangerous level.
module 6: emergency scenarios: older adults and repeated 911 calls

This module explores two specific situations: older adults at higher risk for diabetes emergencies and individuals who are at risk for repeated severe hypoglycemia episodes.
module 7: dexcom continuous glucose monitoring systems

Learn more about the Dexcom G7 CGM System and why trend arrows, predictive alerts, and the ability to share glucose data with a circle of support‡,† can help people better manage diabetes.
Smart device sold separately.*
Course instructors:
Deborah Greenwood, PhD, RN, BC-ADM, CDCES, FADCES
Deborah Greenwood is a clinical nurse specialist, certified diabetes care and education specialist, and researcher. She is also a Senior Manager of Clinical Education at Dexcom, leading a team focused on increasing awareness of the benefits of RT-CGM in type 2 diabetes, primary care, pharmacy and population health. She is also an Adjunct, Assistant Professor at University of Utah College of Nursing and has written and educated about diabetes technology for many years. Deborah has many friends who live with diabetes and is a passionate advocate for using person-first, strength-based language when talking about diabetes. In her free time, she writes a diabetes blog and volunteers for multiple diabetes non-profits. She also served as the 2015 President of the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.
Frances Damian, MS, RN, NEA-BC
Boston Children’s Hospital
Frances Damian specializes in pediatric emergency nursing and served as the Nursing Director in Emergency Services for close to 30 years. She is currently the Manager of Multispecialty Clinics for two satellite locations of Boston Children’s Hospital. Fran has lived with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for 27 years, and for more than 20 years has managed it with insulin pumps and CGM systems. She relies on CGM technology to optimize her diabetes management and overall health. Fran volunteers as a nurse at Diabetes Training Camp, an education and sports performance camp for adults with T1D, and leads the ongoing development of a program for teen athletes with T1D and their parents.
Learn more by exploring the links below:
‡Separate Follow app and internet connection required. To view a list of compatible devices, visit dexcom.com/compatibility. †Always depend on your G& app to manage your diabetes, not your Followers’. Always confirm your glucose information on your G7 app, receiver, or blood glucose meter, before making any treatment decision.
1 McCrimmon RJ and Sherwin RS. Diabetes. 2010;59(10):2333–2339. 2 Edridge CL, et al. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0126427. 3 Ratzki-Leewing, et al. Diabetes. 2022;(Supplement 1):372-P. 4 Tanenberg RJ, et al. Endocr Pract. 2010;Mar-Apr;16(2):244-8. 5 Karter AJ, et al. JAMA. 2021;325(22):2273-2284.
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