The #1 recommended CGM brand by healthcare providers†,1
With the Dexcom G7 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System, only one prescription is needed. The Dexcom G7 sensor and receiver are available through major wholesalers, including Cardinal, McKesson, Cencora, Dakota Drug, and Smith Drug.
Watch our video for an overview of Dexcom G7, prescribing details, and how to get patients started.
Dexcom G7 pharmacy toolkit
Our pharmacists' toolkit provides information on how order, filing a Dexcom prescription, counseling patients, and where to direct patients for support-along with answers to frequently asked questions.
The most covered CGM brand2
Dexcom CGM is more accessible than ever before. Most patients pay $0 for Dexcom G7 compared with $80 or more for FreeStyle Libre.‡, 2, and 3 out of 4 Medicare patients pay $0 for Dexcom G7 at the pharmacy.‡,2
If your patient has a high copay or is not covered, the Dexcom Savings Center can help.

The most accurate CGM system.
Indicated for adults and children (2+ years) living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are on any insulin or medications, at risk of hypoglycemia, and those with gestational diabetes.
Smart device sold separately*
Getting patients started with
Dexcom G7 is easy
It’s simple to get patients started with Dexcom G7. Watch our quick video for an overview on how to insert the sensor and pair a Dexcom receiver or compatible smart device.*

For patients who are not on insulin (ages 18+), the Stelo Glucose Biosensor is available
without a prescription. Stelo tracks glucose 24/7 to
reveal how food, exercise, and even
sleep can affect glucose.
*Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit dexcom.com/compatibility. †Based on a comparison in NPS scores across major CGM brands. ‡Individual pricing may vary depending on insurance coverage. §To learn more about insulin pump integrations and compatibility with Dexcom CGM Systems, visit dexcom.com/integrate.
1 Seagrove HCP Perspectives Q2 2022. 2 Dexcom, Data on File, 2024. 3 Dexcom, Data on File, 2023.
BRIEF SAFETY STATEMENT: Failure to use the Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring System and its components according to the instructions for use provided with your device and available at https://www.dexcom.com/safety-information and to properly consider all indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and cautions in those instructions for use may result in you missing a severe hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) or hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) occurrence and/or making a treatment decision that may result in injury. If your glucose alerts and readings from the Dexcom CGM do not match symptoms, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. Seek medical advice and attention when appropriate, including for any medical emergency.
Dexcom, Dexcom Clarity, Dexcom Follow, Dexcom One, Dexcom Share, Stelo, and any related logos and design marks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Dexcom, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. ©2024 Dexcom, Inc. All rights reserved. MAT-5054