Dexcom Clarity
Dexcom Clarity, the #1 preferred tool to support effective diabetes management for healthcare providers,1 highlights patients’ glucose patterns, trends, and statistics—including the percentage of time that glucose levels are in low, target, and high ranges.
key features and benefits
Dexcom Clarity allows healthcare providers and patients to access clinically relevant glucose patterns, trends, and statistics via a range of interactive reports. Use of Dexcom Clarity can facilitate better conversations about a patient’s glucose insights during telehealth or in-person visits.
CGM data analysis reports
Evaluate relevant CGM data from your clinic computer to help support effective diabetes management. Using proprietary algorithms, Dexcom Clarity offers a full range of reports to address your patient’s individual needs.
Displays a patient’s glucose trends at different times of day over a selected date range. For example, you might reference a patient’s Trend report and notice that his or her glucose levels are stable during mornings, but less stable during afternoons.
Allows users to analyze all glucose values over individual days, as well as isolated, patient-entered events for each day.
Represents seven days of CGM data in one graph, using distinctly colored lines to track a single day’s data over time. Contextualizes the frequency, duration, and intensity of outliers and patterns of hyper- and hypoglycemia, helping you prioritize and refine your patient care.
A standardized glucose report created by the International Diabetes Center that uses multiple data points to highlight patterns with statistics, a trends graph, and daily profiles.
Highlights changes in diabetes management between two different time periods, making it easier to monitor a patient’s overall progress in the short- and long-term. It also helps visualize specific changes, such as the impact of a medication adjustment over days, weeks, or months.
maximizing Dexcom Clarity at your clinic
Access your patients' glucose insights via one streamlined, easy-to-use clinic portal.

Get Patients Started
Invite patients to use Dexcom Clarity and share their CGM data with your clinic. Patients authorize data sharing using the code provided by their clinic.
View Reports
Use the clinic portal to view, analyze, and print any (or all) of the reports that can support your in-person or telehealth appointments.
Discuss Trends
Discuss relevant glucose patterns, trends, and statistics with your patient to help support effective diabetes management.
Submit Claims‡
Write CPT code 95251 on the Overview report and include in your claims submission.
powerful insights at no cost to your clinic§
already registered?
*An internet connection is required for patients to send their glucose data to Dexcom Clarity via a compatible smart device: dexcom.com/compatibility
†Healthcare providers will only be able to view a patient’s glucose data if the patient elects to share it with them through Dexcom Clarity.
‡The reimbursement information provided is intended to assist you with billing for your services related to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). It is intended for informational purposes only and is not a guarantee of coverage and payment. Providers are encouraged to contact their local payers with questions related to coverage, coding and payment. Rates provided under the Medicare PFS and OPPS are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
§Register for Dexcom Clarity at clarity.dexcom.com/professional/registration
**Highly engaged defined as both accessed reports and opted into automated notifications.
‡ Relative to non-users.
1 Seagrove Partners Customer Survey, August 2019.
2 Akturk HK, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2021;23(S1):S21-S26.