Dexcom G7 — for all
types of diabetes
see how Dexcom G7 can help
improve patient outcomes2-6
more patients pay $0
for Dexcom G7 compared to Libre†,7
learn more about the
most covered CGM‡,7
new and noteworthy

- extended range of up to 33 feet for strong and reliable connectivity
- 80% faster reconnection when you go out of Bluetooth range, getting your patients’ numbers back sooner

Dexcom G7 is the first and only CGM with direct connectivity to Apple Watch, giving patients actionable alerts and accurate glucose numbers8,9 with just a glance at their wrist. Now your patients can confidently leave their iPhone behind.||

Now you can share the same clinic code with all patients on Dexcom CGM:
- eliminates the need to send a unique code to each patient
- allows you to create a custom code for your clinic
- streamlines your clinic’s workflow

CGM = continuous glucose monitoring.
*Based on overall percentage of iCGM values within 20% of comparator glucose values. †Individual pricing may vary depending on insurance coverage. ‡Individual coverage may vary depending on insurance plan. §For Dexcom G7: to view a list of compatible devices, visit https://www.dexcom.com/compatibility. ||Compatible smartphone is required to pair a new Dexcom G7 sensor with a compatible Apple Watch. To use Share/Follow, the smartphone must be within 20 feet of the Dexcom G7. ¶Feature not available with all electronic health records. Healthcare provider must order connection to medical records via their EHR system.
1 Dexcom, Data on File, 2023. 2 Beck RW, et al. JAMA. 2017;317(4):371-378. 3 Beck RW, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2017;167(6):365-374. 4 Martens T, et al. JAMA. 2021;325(22):2262-2272. 5 Laffel LM, et al. JAMA. 2020;323(23):2388-2396. 6 Welsh JB, et al. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2024;18(1):143-147. 7 Dexcom, Data on File, 2024. 8 Laffel LM, et al. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2023;17(4):962-967. 9 Garg SK, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2022;24(6):373-380.