This resource narrates a hypothetical day for nine-year-old Max, who has type 1 diabetes. Max uses the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System, takes multiple daily injections, and is...
The Endocrine Society recently published new diabetes treatment guidelines, 1,2 which may help providers to guide patients on adjusting pre-meal and ≥3 hour post-meal insulin doses using Dexcom G5...
American Diabetes Association 7. Diabetes Technology: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2021. Diabetes Care. 2021; 44 (1): S85-S99.
In this novel study, investigators examined not only the benefits of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) augmented insulin therapy, they also looked at the impact of CGM separately in subjects on...
Background People with type 1 diabetes (T1D) can continuously monitor their glucose levels on demand with IS-CGM, or in real time with RT-CGM. However, it is unclear whether switching from IS-CGM to...
Consensus Statement, Pediatric Diabetes (2012) This consensus statement has been developed by a world-wide expert panel of pediatric endocrinologists and represents the clinical guidance of the use of...